Saturday, October 8, 2011

You asked for it!

Here is another birding blogpost. I am honestly sorry it took so long. There are a lot of birds coming your way, so, you're welcome. And Elle, just so you know, you asked for it.

This first, very pretty bird is on a Lily. I am allergic to said flower and it seems that my dad only buys my mom bouquets with lilies in it! Which basically means more sneezing for me.

This bird is on a GIANT MAD LIBS book. It is the greatest thing for riding in cars and airplanes, and it's so AWESOME.

When we went to Florida over the summer, the hotel we stayed at had a bajillion brochures for fun things to do, like go to a dinner show about pirates. After much begging to the parents, I still didn't get to go. :( It makes me sad.

This bird is on a bottle of lotion that says it is made with real spiders on the front, but the ingredient section says otherwise.

This is Marvin the Moose. No bird here, but he is in love with my friend Morgan. Enough said.

This is a book of music for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It is really awesome. It's birdalicious.

This particular bird lives on a rainbow light saber that I won for being awesome. It glows super brightly and it looks sick!

Look at the scarf. There is a bird, on a bird, next to other birds. It's birdseption. Staring Rio DiCaprio. Ha.

This is a book mark that my friend (not sister) named Ellie made for me with quotes from A Very Potter Musical. Also awesome.

Easy now, easy, No! NO STOP!! DON'T EAT THER BIRD!!!!!!!! WHAT DID IT EVERDO TO YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!

Another Harry Potter related thing. Hedwig surely knows how to put a bird on things. Hedwig is a BOSS!

I made this button necklace as a throw back to my sister and my days of making them instead of buying them. It is pretty awesome, and rainbow-y, it could only be better if it had a mustache on it.

And the final picture I will show you is this one:
It says, "Put a bird on it or else! Do it now." You should probably listen to me, I usually give pretty good advice. Also, it's really awesome.

Well, once again, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed seeing birds on things as much as I did and I will try to update a little more regularly. Thanks! Buh-bye!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm Back Birdies.

That's right, the rumors are true, this is a new blog post! And, no, I did not go anywhere. I am what you would call "lazy." That means that i am trying to use up the rest of my summer by, I don't know, sleeping, watching TV, being a teen, etc.

Well, anyways, yesterday I went school supply shopping and you know that commercial on TV that's all, "Your kids will never get this excited about school supplies"? Well, I ALWAYS get that excited for school supplies! They're are the best. This year, I got a binder with puppies on it for science! And two "A not happy emotion" Birds folders! They put a bird on it for me! If you don't know what I am talking about, then think about it.

I think the folders are pretty great. Also, let me tell you another tale of my puppies, Izzy and Lulu.

Once upon a time, if you recall from a previous blog post, Lulu enjoys being the mom of a stuffed squirrel. Well, recently, one or both of the puppies have wanted and enjoyed the taste of the fluff inside of the toys. I'm calling it baby blood. It sounds scarier that way.

Izzy HATES the vacuum. He actually bites it when my mom is cleaning. One day, he menacingly took Lu's little orange squirrel and did this:

It no longer has arms, legs, or ears. So when I found it, I felt sad for Lulu. So my mom and I went to the pet store and bought another squirrel and a hedgehog. This is what became of the Hedgehog:

Getting a much better deal than the other replacement stuffed animal, it now has zero ears and three legs. The poor squirrel never stood a chance. I guess it had an ugly face, but it's nothing compared to how it looks now.

They left the acorn though? Weird dogs.

On a happier note, Look At MY Shrinky-Dinks!!!

I know, you're jealous. The camera I took the picture with face focused on the pumpkin only. Riddle me that.

Good news, I put more birds on things ! :)

This is only the coolest piggy bank you've ever seen. Notice the thickness of his mustache, that says, he knows how to grow a mustache. Look at the shininess of his sick shades, that show maybe he doesn't want to be recognized as a pig and then mad into delicious bacon. And notice the Hawaii print on his shirt. That says that he both enjoys relaxing, and that he has great fashion sense for a thing that I  may eat in the future. He's obviously great.

The bird above is on a bottle of wine. 'Nuff said.

Those two love birds are on my puppies' crates! Aw, adorable.

The next bird is on bamboo that has been growing for, like, ever.

The above pictured bird is AWESOME and on a video game I bought that has to do with the final, let's say, book, in a certain wizard's life.

The following, and final, bird (sad, I know) is on a journal. Do what the journal says.

So this was another blog featuring things that you might like or car about, I have no promises. I hope you enjoyed but f you didn't, then sorry I'm not sorry. As my brother would say. Feel free to SUBSCRIBE. please. ._.

Alright, until next time, may your life be filled with birds that you have put places. Read again :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Womp Womp, Bad News Bears, Sad Face

Why hello there, how are you? Well, as you can tell from the title NOT SO GOOD. So, my week has been a little bit crazy. It all started on Wednesday...

...Yes, that is when my week actually began, craziness wise. Before that I just went to the loccal amusement park with a close friend and hung out at one of my besties' house. So, on Wednesday, my family and I, other than my sister who is in Israel (duh), started on our adventure to New York, where we go every year to visit with family. We'd been driving for nine hours and were just one exit away from the one for our hotel. It was smoothe sailing...until we hit a deer. The deer got scared and couldn't get over the concrete barier and darted out in front of our car and before we could stop, we hit it. I felt so bad but at least it didn't suffer. When we looked out the front of the car the hood was just slightly elevated, so we figured it bumped it up.

And then, everything went wrong. First, went the air conditioning. We're just sitting there and then it went warm. It was no longer cold. Then, it started to smell weird in the car. A smell I'd never smelled before. And while 'm writing this I'm reading it in my mind and sounding like Dean Thomas in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. He'ss the chubbier Dean Thomas. (you see, over the course of the movie franchise they hired two different ones because this one was only in the third movie, where as the new one came in during Half-Blood Prince as Ginny Weasley's boyfriend) Okay, okay, sorry back to my car.

While we were worrying about the AC the thingy with the arrow that isn't the spedometer was going crazy. So, we get off at our exit and pull over because our car basically wouldn't go. When we got out of the car to check it out, we were shocked. The deer had created a dent that a Smart Car couldn't even make. The right front side of the car was demolished! My mom's door only opened like three inches and the car was literally smoking. We called a bunch of people (insurance, police, tow truck, etc.) and ended up just getting our car towed to our hotel. Did I tell you that we were in a town called Horseheads? yup. It is exactly as awesome as you think it is. And, I got to ride in a state troopers car which was great!

So we get to the hotel and have to get every single thing out of our car in case it was totaled. We take all of our stuff into the only hotel room left in that particular area if new york.In this hotel room we slept four people in a king bed, a pull out couch, and a rollaway bed. Let's just say, it was cramped.

So then we had to drive the last couple of hours to drive before we reached our destination. We got the last available rental car as well, which was a pickup truck. All of our personal belongings were outside of the car, including my guitar. So, yeah.

Well, vacation was fun and luckily, the car will and can be fixed, but in New York. So, not the worst, not the best. Then, my friend Evan started a blog and actually shared my story on there.

I'm very sorry for those of you who wanted me to bird things along the way, but I hope you find that I have at least an okay excuse. I promise to take lots of pictures of birds and give them to you, because I know I enjoy them, and I hope you do, too.

Please, take the pole at the bottom of the screen. I hope you like the changes I made to the blog, don't worry, there are still birds at the top.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this blog as much as the other ones.

Stay classy Readers.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Hankering For Birds, You Say?

Why hello there, readers. I have good news. But surely you've heard. What, you haven't heard? I would have thought it was big news by now. A ba-ba-bird bird bird. Bird is the word.

Also, new birds on things! I have other great news! There is website in which you can put bids on web pages (sadly, only you can see it) But it's hilarious! You simply type in a URL in the designated are and poof! You just made art by putting a bird on something! It was a great find and you should enjoy it!

Wow, this blog has already used 6 exclamation points! Oh great, now it's seven.

Okay, our first bird is on my new chap stick. It's blackberry lemonade! Yummy.

Another bird I am allowing you to see is on my sweet sunglasses. Notice how they are both bejeweled and zebra. I wore these to a softball game and my teammates thought that it was a duck! Though, ducks are technically birds, this particular bird is no duck.

This bird resides on my iPod's case. For all you fans of The Office out there, I wish that I was a princess unicorn.

This bird is on the creepy statue I have in my house. Notice his incredibly sharp mustache paired with only bottom teeth. It truly is frightening.

This bird is on a certain music book for an instrument I am taking up. Can you guess what it is?

I'll give you a hint: it's pictured below (Notice the nice red color of that friendly little handless flyer) and it's also a guitar. Ooops, I gave it away. That's okay, you never would've guessed.

The thing pictured above is a pack of stickers of the states and I put the whole pack on this metallic lid. I know what you're thinking, and yes, they did leave out some states like Arkansas and Kentucky. Which I don't understand because They're pretty popular. And it isn't just the 13 colonies because states like California and Texas are on there and I am so confused.

This next featured bird is on a role of color DUCK tape. The color is cheetah print.

The Bird below is on a thing called a painted pony. I collect them and this one is a home to penguins. Because horses live in Antarctica. Suuuuuure.

BBBBBBBBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRD. Is the word. According to this man:

Name:Peter Griffin. Fact: Has bird next to non-existent ear. I drew this. Love Family Guy.

I painted the picture above many, many, many, years ago. It isn't great, but, I put a lot of birds on it. So there.

The picture below is from my Glee calendar (yes, it's true) Mercedes Jones is staring at a bird.

This picture may not have a bird in it, but is a hippopotamus named Dwight. Notice his stylish mustard shirt, great tie, killer glasses, and beet stained teeth. I made him as an art project last year. He rules.

Now, I would like to take a little time out to say that it would make me feel better if more people followed my blog. There are only three of you. Womp Womp.

This is a picture of a bird on my computer that is of course shutting itself down, because, what else would it do in its free time?

This picture is of an EPIC CHIP CLIP that my mom bought us. It's a mustache, yes. And awesome.

Now this picture may look familiar to you because you've seen it before!

That's right boys and girls, it's my bobble head (see previous post) from softball! she plays on team bird!

Okay, and the last bird picture is the corner of a certain technological device my mom has. It color coordinates.

And, thankfully, that's all for today folks! Please follow this amazing blog and whenever you see fit, put a bird on something. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. There are a lot of pictures in this one and I hope you enjoyed them. I know I did.

Read again! or else.......

.....there may not be any birds left!


Don't worry, your safe, for now.


Total of exclamation points in above blog: 16 I believe. I refuse to count them a 4th time because I keep getting different answers. I guess I'm just excited.

Monday, July 4, 2011

On The Other Hand...

That's right readers. Very proud to make that plural this week. Well, I have not been putting very many birds on things this week so instead I intend to have what I like to call an ADD blog. In which I discuss things that do not have to do with birds but do have to do with other great, random and stupid things that I have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. This includes: The Mom Chronicles, (more on that later) My two very different and adorable puppies, a very unsuccessful year in softball, as well as anything else that I get side tracked by along the way. Enjoy and be warned: severe confusion is a known side affect of getting only a peek into my brain.

Today I started with saying that I love my family a lot. Duh.

And now, The Mom Chronicles. This will be a segment in which I talk about occurrences that I have with my mom that are memorable or just ridiculous. So, about two or three days ago, the following happened: (Note: these are real life events) My mom and I were in the kitchen doing dishes and going through mail and stuff and my iPod was on and playing music. So, the song OMG by Usher was on and after it played for a little while, she went, "Is this Dougie?"

Of course, I thought maybe she was talking about someone from way back when so I replied, "Who's Dougie?"

And, of course, she went, "Like, Do The Dougie."

And I said, "That's not what it's called ."

She snappily said, "I don't know what it's called but we all did it at the Bat Mitzvah."

What?! Really, mom? Those are my clues? Man, I pity the fool who doesn't understand her random conversations, but I'm used to them and love her for them.

She then talked to her mom on the phone who gave the sad news that family friend who is around 70 fell off a latter and broke her pelvis. I mean, who does she think she is? Meredith Palmer? (special shout out to those who love The Office) Oh, and then my mom sang along to The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars and a Phineas and Ferb song called, "Squirrels In My Pants."

Ah, I love my mom more than you could imagine, probably because of this stuff.

And now, My puppies.

I have two very different dogs. One of them is a Collie mutt, one a Border Collie mutt. One of them is orange, a little bit chubby, and not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed, if you know what I mean. The other, is black, incredibly in shape, and will have conversations with us humans, fully understanding with no more than very very basic training. (We taught them how to sit, and tried to teach them to lie down. Fail.)

This is Izzy:

He's a little slow (both in speed and mentality) but he is a super sweetheart with a sand papery tongue. His hobbies are running away from our other puppy Lulu:

She's pretty great. They're both 3 but we still call them the puppies. One of Lulu's hobbies is pretending that she is the mother of a squirrel (nameless) and a pig named Abner:

She actually tucked the squirrel into a bed that she made out of a blanket and a few pillows that were on the floor. It was great. Every time I touch the squirrel, Lulu gets it back and cleans it. Like so:

It's really cute while being a little offensive. Whereas Izzy does this ALL THE TIME:

Yeah, he sits on a chair when no one is there. I surprised him with my camera, and he licked his nose. (?)

Okay, so this year I played my 9th year of softball and it wasn't the MOST successful We've ever been. We won 2 games. It's okay though because I made a lot of new friends and kept in touch with 2 or 3 of mine from our last team. Well anyways, we got "trophies" (I'm calling them participation awards :)) that look like this:

Now, from the front, this for sure looks like a boy baseball player.And I was a little offended when I opened it because I am not a boy! It's wearing a hat (softball players wear visors because of hair) but then I turned it sideways.

And I was so much less offended. Now I get it. Her hair's in a ponytail! That's way better. Now, I'm serious. I thought they gave us boys, and then I giggled, because what if they gave the boys girls? Haha. It was a fun season for sure, and I don't regret a second of it. Go Softball!!!

So, yeah, this was a pretty great, and long, and picture filled blog. You're welcome. I hoped you enjoyed and read again! :) 

What Is Your Favorite Type of Birs?